26 May 2010

Confessions of a bedroom slob

As I lay awake last night wondering what our next house might look like, my mind drifted toward thought of a master bedroom. I couldn't help but fear that it will be the same embarrassing mess. Because I sleep on the same side of the bed as our dog ( our dog is on the floor on an awful blanket that she loves) I could smell that the weather is warmer thus creating a smellier dog. Gross.

I have always been a bedroom slob. Baskets full of laundry in need of putting away, books and papers on my nightstand, and stuff I didn't feel like hanging up draped over a chair are standard.
I have now added a dog and husband to the mix.
My husband used to be neat a pin. Now his dresser top is cluttered with an array of belongings. I guess, like heat, a mess transfers to a lack of mess.

We also have only a tiny closet that my husband uses. I have what appears to be an enormous armoire but it doesn't hold all of my clothes so it can't be that big. I have the use of a lovely mahoghany highboy which would be great if I were 6'5", but I am 5'1" so I need to stand on a chair to see the top drawers and all of my jackets are on the chair, so you see my problem.

Nice closet but who has two dresses?

I see a basket under this bed. I wonder what they are hiding. Could it be the man of the house's files? That is what is under my bed.

If my dog would sleep on a normal dog bed that would be a start. Or maybe a heated dog house in the backyard...
A master suite with large closet would help. I could stash my laundry baskets in there.

It most likely won't be this perfect but I am going to try harder.
Seriuosly, does anyone wonder where these people hide their ugly alarm clocks?


  1. Kerry,
    My sister in law offered to come over and help me with cleaning.....I have to clean up first. Paperwork, art supplies, canvases, and oh yes my closet!!

    Art by Karena

  2. That bedroom with the rafters is darling!
